What Does an MRI Report Really Mean
In today’s world, patients have access to an extensive amount of information through their electronic medical records. This can be a blessing and a curse. Dr. Gobezie discusses how an MRI shoulder scan is simply a tool that doctors use as a possible starting point for determining a patient’s plan of care. The MRI scan alone…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Outpatient Surgery
In the current increasingly expensive and disjointed healthcare environment, it is important to consider the best options for care. One way to offset concern is to see a provider who performs their surgeries at an outpatient surgery center. Based on recent health finance research, costs are substantially reduced in an outpatient surgery center compared to…
Read MoreUnderstanding Robotics for Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery
You are unique and so is your individual anatomy. Robotic hip and knee replacement surgeries use robotic technology to assist specially trained surgeons in tailoring the placement of the hip and knee implants specific to your body’s anatomy. Robotics at Cleveland Orthopedic & Spine Institute The Northern Ohio Surgery Center at Cleveland Orthopedic & Spine…
Read MoreThe Choice Between Medicare and Medicare Advantage
Some things to consider if you KNOW you are going to need orthopedic care in 2025. 1) Some Medicare Advantage plans typically require prior authorization and not only for which provider you can use, but for which types of treatment you can receive from said doctor. 2) Ask about approval periods. Certain services require prior…
Read MoreHow To Tell Difference Between Shoulder and Neck Pain
Diseases of the cervical spine (neck) and shoulder have very similar symptoms. It can be difficult to tell the difference between the two because the disease areas have a big anatomical overlap. It is only through a careful diagnosis from an orthopedic specialist who provides the proper physical exam, deciphers your medical history, and recommends…
Read MoreShoulder Exercises for Aging Swimmers
Swimming is a sport people can practice well into their senior years. It is ideal for achieving longevity and maintaining a high level of well-being. Swimming is also one of the most joint-friendly exercises. The buoyancy of the water allows the body to move smoothly and easily, reducing the risk of aggravating existing conditions or…
Read MoreWhat is Trigger Finger?
When a person is unable to bend or straighten their finger or thumb, the common name for the condition is “trigger finger or trigger thumb.” Trigger finger affects the tendons that flex the fingers and thumb, typically resulting in a sensation of locking or catching when bending and straightening digits. Other symptoms may include pain…
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